
skiwhatwhat t1_j2fo6zi wrote

Oh I would LOVE to see dedicated bike streets! Unfortunately, that’s probably the least likely option to happen because it would be seen as inconveniencing drivers too much.

As for out of town drivers, the benefit of protected bike lanes over painted ones is that there’s nothing to figure out with the protected ones - they’re blocked from cars, so you know not to drive there.


skiwhatwhat t1_j2eihk3 wrote

Dude, you're being downvoted because your comment just said that it takes "5 to 10 minutes longer when transferring to the blue line" when the question was a) about what the previous time was (i.e., before the blue line transfer), b) about how long it takes on the yellow (you just said "add 5-10 minutes" but didn't say to what), and c) you actually admit that you don't know what the actual trip time is which is what the question was about.


skiwhatwhat t1_j2ehhtt wrote

"In 2017, the suit stated, Pondexter-Moore received notice that workers would have to enter her home to install a camera on her home and a power box in her bedroom. She refused access several times and asked DCHA for information about the cameras capabilities and purpose, but she never received an answer.

The suit goes on to say that on Jan. 31, 2018, Pondexter-Moore saw workers again trying to install equipment at her house and asked them to stop. A DCHA police officer stated that she did not have any rights as a public housing resident, and that she could not stop the worker from installing the cameras. The officer then pinned her against the side of her house and “slammed” her son against a wall, according to the lawsuit.

Eight D.C. police officers then came to the complex and arrested both Pondexter-Moore and her son. They were taken to jail, where they spent the night. Charges against them were later dropped, the suit said."

For fucks sake...and to think that Bowser has fought to keep Bonds on and to reduce the amount of oversight of DCHA by removing those who have tried to hold DCHA to account.


skiwhatwhat t1_j2efm71 wrote

Keep in mind that biking isn't about traveling within a neighborhood - biking is the option for being able to travel between neighborhoods without using a car. So even if one neighborhood is walkable, bike infrastructure is necessary for anyone who wants to e.g. commute to work or bike to a friend in another area or get to a grocery store if they live far from one.

Also, and I'm not saying this is what you said, but I do get frustrated at the implications people make that if they don't see a lot of bikers in a bike lane, that means the bike lanes aren't worth it. The reality is twofold: 1) unless they're watching the lane all the time and keeping a counter, what someone sees is just anecdotes; and 2) it takes building protected bike lanes to get more people to bike - there are surveys out there showing that in cities many more people would bike if they felt the infrastructure supported it. So sure, maybe fewer people use a given bike lane for now, but once it gets connected to other bike lanes across the city, it will attract more folks to bike. You can't just put in one lane on one street and go "no one it using this, therefore the bike lane is useless" because it ignores the larger context.


skiwhatwhat t1_itpvl20 wrote

Reply to comment by DemureCynosure in Terrible Tuesday! by AutoModerator

Never try to grab the collar - it puts your hand/arm by their face. Instead, the prevailing advice is to grab both back legs and wheelbarrow the dog so that the back legs are both off the ground. It forces them to stop jumping, keeps you away from their head, and makes it so they can’t turn and start on you. Also, it’s a move that can be done on most dog sizes regardless of strength of the person. I’ve done this three times with success in high stress situations like you’ve described (and I’m a fairly small woman).

(I offer this as advice to anyone reading this, not as a criticism. You did a tremendous amount by stopping to try to help to begin with, much less how you kept doing whatever you could think of. You did an amazing thing by helping like that.)

Also, for owners, lifting a dog up is a pretty much guaranteed way to rile an attacking dog up even more (and put yourself at increased risk) because of how dogs react to the confusion of a dog being held aloft above them. So if it’s a situation where someone needs to lift their dog up, they absolutely have to also try to remove themselves in any way possible from the situation. I’ve seen so many times owners of small dogs at dog parks lift their dog up when they felt another dog was playing too hard, and all of a sudden a bunch of dogs would react and start jumping, but the owner would just stand there or shriek around in circles and not even try to leave - like at that point every second they stay, the situation is made worse. Harder to leave the situation when it’s not a fenced-in dog park so the other dog can more easily follow, so that may not have been possible in this situation, but just want to flag this because I think a lot of owners aren’t aware of the effect that lifting a dog up will often have on other dogs.