skucera t1_jebokq5 wrote
Reply to LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
ULPT: Add "you" -> "y'all" in your significant other's phone's autocorrect.
skucera t1_jaeqcje wrote
Reply to LPT: You can delete a whole word on Windows with ctrl-backspace. Also, use ctrl-enter to move directly to the next line and/or avoid unintentionally submitting something. by jmancoder
ctrl-del also works for deleting forward, and ctrl-left and -right skips left/right word by word. ctrl-shift-left and -right highlights word by word.
skucera t1_j9ri253 wrote
Reply to comment by garcia_later in I asked ChatGPT to write a Springfield Mo reddit post, spot on. by Rough-Dust-3926
Call Chat Chatshaw!
skucera t1_j7ftww5 wrote
Reply to comment by ATribeCalledQueso in When you decide you prefer your diamonds undiverged by Jackpen7
I think it’s because the “turns” in the Chestnut diamond are not a tight as they are on the others. You get put in your lane on the other diamonds, but this one is pretty swoopy.
skucera t1_j65axd3 wrote
Reply to comment by TummyDrums in MO 7th district representative by laffingriver
If the democrats voted in the republican primary (totally allowable, just request the (R) ballot at the poll), dems + reasonable republicans could elect a "better" nominee.
skucera t1_j5n0l21 wrote
Reply to comment by benutne in It's Going to Snow on Wednesday - Can Ya'll please get your "Bread and Milking" done Today? by Maxwyfe
skucera t1_j3e0k01 wrote
Reply to ‘This is no way to live’: Mississippians struggle with another water crisis by BitterFuture
At what point is it just straight-up racism that the state government (controlled by white republicans) won’t fix the infrastructure in the largest black community, which also happens to mostly vote democrat?
skucera t1_j1v2pr1 wrote
Reply to comment by MeagoDK in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
Primary mission operations are $30MM/yr; this includes launch activities, landing, and commissioning. The actual cost of the next four years was roughly $15MM/yr. It goes in the annual budget, and congress views this as a good return on investment. If they end up objecting, they can always choose to not fund it.
skucera t1_j1upltj wrote
Reply to comment by MeagoDK in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
The budget to “run science” on a craft is pennies compared to the cost of building, launching, and landing the craft.
skucera t1_j1up8d7 wrote
Reply to comment by caitejane310 in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
Also, The Martian was accurate in how they have an exact copy of every rover and lander they send out so that they can try out fixes/solutions on Earth before they send them out.
skucera t1_j1uovax wrote
Reply to comment by Original-Aerie8 in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
You perform a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Once you know the failure modes that you can’t design out of the system, you design mitigation for the rest. You then add redundancy for those modes you can’t mitigate. Finally, you take the probability of an individual critical failure happening and calculate the duration before there is X% chance that a critical failure has occurred, and that’s your planned mission length. If it’s too short, you put in more mitigation or redundancy.
skucera t1_j1uo7w2 wrote
Reply to comment by EpiicPenguin in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
On all prior Mars landers, NASA has relied on Martian wind to clean off the solar panels. That worked fine here, as the lander was active for over twice its planned mission.
skucera t1_j1sjzx0 wrote
Reply to comment by Commies4Lyfe in Meet the amateur astronomer who found a lost NASA satellite by jarvedttudd
It’s a worst-case scenario estimate. If the worst-case scenario still justifies the cost, then the project is worth moving forward with trying to get prioritized into the budget. Of course, they buy the absolute best (highest-reliability) gear, and have some of the most sophisticated failure analysis and prevention tools in the world, which contributes to extended longevity.
Basically, it’s better to under-promise and over-deliver, especially when you’re the part of the government that has to really struggle for funding.
skucera t1_j1qidri wrote
Reply to comment by mattgen88 in TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. by anogre8me
Nope. I'll just continue to ignore the fact that I ever found out about this and keep enjoying strawberries, thankyouverymuch.
skucera t1_j1gb7mh wrote
Reply to Woke up to frozen pipes this morning, can’t get under our crawl space to see which one and if any busted. Any recommendations on a plumber? As well does anyone know roundabout what I should expect to pay? First timer here by Maleficent-Bssh
If you haven’t called anyone yet, we really like United Plumbing; they’re 24/7.
skucera t1_ivlvlh1 wrote
Reply to comment by DnWeava in Springfield Voter Turn Out by Successful_Hunter235
Apparently, this is even more fucked up than I realized.
skucera t1_ivlk0uz wrote
Reply to comment by EredarLordJaraxxus in Springfield Voter Turn Out by Successful_Hunter235
You’re a dunce. Just google “free ride to polls.”
skucera t1_ivljtb1 wrote
Reply to comment by Cooldude588 in Springfield Voter Turn Out by Successful_Hunter235
Kansas City lowered funding for police earlier this year, the legislature threw a temper tantrum that they couldn’t force a city to spend more on policing, so now they’re trying to amend the state constitution to require KC to spend a full 25% of their budget on policing.
skucera t1_ivljatp wrote
Reply to comment by MiwestGirl in Springfield Voter Turn Out by Successful_Hunter235
I haven’t seen a single sign for her. Not looking good.
skucera t1_iv7xm5q wrote
Reply to comment by MartonianJ in anywhere in town have nashville style hot chicken by thanatos1324
It is easily the best thing on their menu!
skucera t1_jee8ufm wrote
Reply to comment by KickFriedasCoffin in LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
“Yay” -> “ Bless your heart.”