
slaincha3 t1_iw37pw4 wrote

He has all the recourse in the world. He should actually be getting paid for missing work with a work related injury. They should also be paying all of his medical bills.

I am an employer in the state and have dealt with a couple work place related industries. If necessary seek legal counsel


slaincha3 t1_iw0fa2q wrote

Funny I thought equitable meant being fair. How is treating one group different from another, fair?

Sensible = practical. It would be practical to have a flat tax, so we can incentivize people that have wealth to move into the state. Rather than have them move out because they are being treated unfairly.


slaincha3 t1_ivzoetl wrote

Look at the history of taxation. The state and feds always want more of our money.

Meanwhile we get very little results with a bloated government payroll.

Sure Some taxes are necessary but not all of the taxes.

Also look at New York and New Jersey, a lot of the very large income earners left the state. Many moved their headquarters. If you don’t think this will be an unintended consequence in this state, then you are delusional.


slaincha3 t1_ivzge9u wrote

This tax is the gateway drug for increasing taxes on everyone over time. The state can never have enough money. How else would they vote themselves pay raises?