
sleepnandhiken t1_jbrdmgf wrote

I wondered to what degree “don’t alter it just pay attention” is possible. It seems natural to me to adjust it once you are of aware of where you are at. Also it seems that you can’t focus on simply improving your breath work if you’re not mindful in that regard.


sleepnandhiken t1_j6ine3q wrote

Alright so new day. Turns out we didn’t need to wait. This is old news and Fox already stopped broadcasting this ad. Their line was essentially “Yeah, we kinda have a rule against this and we’re looking into who did this.” Perhaps should be taken with a grain of salt but is still an acceptance that they have to stop.

Which I think is fine. The law makes sense to have. The fine is the gov politely saying “listen here you little shit” and it worked fine.

Edit to include what I read:


sleepnandhiken t1_j6gvnkw wrote

Right, but if they don’t stop it becomes more of a thing. They aren’t stoked about just pissing away the money.!There are people above the people who made the decision who are probably hella embarrassed. Although imagining the top go “Let’s play the Emergency Alert Sound” is amusing.

But hey if there’s a new headline tomorrow I guess they didn’t give a shit.