
slightlyrottensalmon OP t1_irgrn19 wrote

I don’t have solar, so these would be pulling from the grid. No net metering concerns.

Presume if I pay the lump sum, the units go with the house if I sell it? Vs if I make monthly and the house sells the buyer has to agree? Or is it like the water heater - just something buyers accept?

I’m really appreciative of the feedback!


slightlyrottensalmon t1_irfpp8u wrote

I read OPs intent as committing to California for the length their home was rented but having the option to move back after that commitment was up.

I see nothing cruel about OP signing a one year lease, then deciding six months in that they will not renew that one year lease on their property.

OP, if I’m putting words in your mouth please correct me.


slightlyrottensalmon OP t1_irfgxil wrote

Single upfront payment of $5500 or $55/month. $2200 from GMP towards the installation. I don’t have a formal estimate for the remainder of installation costs. A bit strange that you have to sign up to get total cost estimate, that’s why I’m asking here. Hoping for some real world positive and negative experiences from those who already have them.

That single upfront payment is considerably less than what I was looking at for a generator (and dependence on natural gas to run it).

I’m not completely committed if feedback steers me elsewhere which is nice.