
slopdonkey t1_j1fchp5 wrote

The way I see is that the only way you would be able to have more jobs for everyone is if they were able to adapt at the same pace as tech advances and we all know that definitely is not how humans operate. MAYBE if we were able to pause any new advances and spend 10 years catching up to the things weve already invented then we could have more jobs for everyone.

Thing are now moving way to quick to try and train people for jobs that may not exist by the time they are finished their training.


slopdonkey t1_isc41ft wrote

Low birth rates are not a problem. Humans reached the upper end of what their environment will sustain for "current" conditions. Maybe those conditions will change and impact what birth rates level off at. Environmental, social conditions, culture, beliefs, health, and a million other factors affect birth rates.