
sloww06gto t1_j661fpz wrote

This is hilarious, i just got into an argument the other day in a post with a bunch of loons that were saying Connecticut is one of the most desirable places to live. They kept mentioning how 66k people moved here in 2021, i had to explain that those were New Yorkers leaving during the pandemic and that before the pandemic Connecticut had one of the fastest declining populations. In 2022 we gained 2k and change people. I had 50 plus down votes and eventually my post was deleted from the thread. 🤣😂🤣


sloww06gto t1_j64ujkl wrote

Welcome to mainstream media, what else would you expect? These "news" outlets literally show murders on their stations pretty much every night. Imagine losing a loved one to violence and then turn the TV on and actually see and hear it? These are disgusting human beings...
