
slvstrChung t1_jeezbni wrote

So just dump him. You already know the truth about him.

But you also now know the truth about yourself, which is that you're not ready to be in a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship requires trust. What would have happened if he had declined to hook up? You show up at the date, all adoring and happy, "Oh honey, you passed the test, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!," and he responds, "...Wait. That was a test? You don't trust me?" And he dumps you on the spot.

You're allowed to have trauma from your previous relationships. But bringing it into your next one is a recipe for trouble. You need to overcome it first.


slvstrChung t1_iydgfaf wrote

>My question is how do I know what the right decision is ? I don’t wanna regret it at the end. Any advice ?

Decide what you would regret more. There is no right decision, there's only the question of what is right for you.

In my opinion, sex is just sex: having a partner that is slightly more aesthetically pleasing doesn't make a big difference. That said, this is both my opinion and something I've learned through personal experience. Without wishing to sound callous, it may be possible that you can't learn this lesson unless you also learn it by experience. It may be the best path for you to throw away a functional relationship in search of a big booty, and then regret it, because then at least you know where your priorities are.

And so ultimately that's my advice to you: whatever it is you decide to do, make sure you learn from it.


slvstrChung t1_iuje939 wrote

Shit like this is why I always roll my eyes when people of an older generation insist that, simply because they are older, they must be wiser. It's true that an older person may -- may -- have been given more opportunities to learn, but there is absolutely no guarantee that the person has actually taken those opportunities. For instance, here your mother shows that she has not learned one of the most basic facts about relationships: they take place between people, not bodies.