
smarmcl t1_j76mu9w wrote

Im sensitive to light, period. Inside, outside, just light. I get migraines rather quickly, and unfortunately, im allergic to the meds I was prescribed that help with migraines.

Had my eyes checked not long ago, very little correction in one eye, even got the blue screen thing on my lense... no difference. The 20, 20, 20 thing helps a bit, but not always. I've tested about every solution possible, and there is still only one thing that works: stay away from harsh light, and wear sunglasses. Ngl, wearing sunglasses inside sparks some weird looks and an 80s music flashback, but I'll take an earworm over a migraine!


smarmcl t1_j2lla09 wrote

What the actual hell is going on!? How, or why have things escalated so quickly!? You know what? All of the questions. I have all of the questions!

I'm glad to hear the three of you alive and... well alive. Happy New Year? I don't think I'll ever complain about another half-baked New Year's party again.


smarmcl t1_j1xmqtx wrote

You're probably right. And as I was reminded, she did say they are there for the admin's "benefit," which may also imply another type of interaction with humans altogether.

I hate to say it, but I almost miss the inhuman from the campground. At least they were somewhat predictable at times! But I suppose Kate's experience and family history may have helped a lot in that respect.


smarmcl t1_j1t5h99 wrote

Other than the obvious, there's something odd about the creatures on campus. Kate always used to describe Beau as somewhat uneasy about his interactions with her, painful even. While the laundry lady was having a grand time reveling in possibilities of violence and laundry.

Why is it that none of the creatures on campus seem to experience the same discomfort that some of the inhuman at the campground described?

Which leads me to another unsettling thought. What if there is a human element behind all of this? It's just a theory right now, but it feels worse than just the inhuman trying to get the usual snack.

Keep your head on a swivel, and stay with your friends. You may not want to put them in danger, but they're already in danger just by just being on campus. You said it yourself, safety in numbers.

Edit: Totally forgot, but the laundry lady already said they (the inhuman on campus, I assume) are there for the admin's "benefit." *Shudder


smarmcl t1_j1c60ky wrote

Reply to Mall Santas by Verastahl

Hey, look, I've been through some... stuff. So I understand feeling terrified. But being heroic is not about a lack of fear, it's about doing something despite being afraid.

This dude is your friend, and you left him. At the very least, you could have called the cops to give the make and model of the van, do... something. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to live with yourself. Please reconsider.


smarmcl t1_j00jchh wrote

As a person who suffers from tinnitus, this story is just too relatable. It's enough to drive a person mad. I've adapted to it, I use a white noise machine to sleep, and avoid quiet rooms, keeping either a bit of low music or a podcast on most of the time. But it's still always there, thinly veiled behind it all. That ever persistent, high-pitched private purgatory.

I believe she hears something, tho. I've heard sounds in movies and machinery that are definitely the same tone as my tinnitus. But I can always tell the difference between an external sound and my squealing ear.

I'd be curious if you dig what you might find. Perhaps before destroying the basement wall, you could try digging in the ground just outside the basement wall to start with. If she says it's coming from just beyond the basement wall it seems like a good place to start, and it's definitely less pricey than repairing a foundation in case you need to get rid of the place.