
smileglysdi t1_jdeblta wrote

Oh, no!! I have lived in 5 states and interlibrary loan never cost me anything!!! I totally understand the space issue. I donate to little free libraries. Or goodwill- in my town, if I donate to goodwill, they give you a 10 percent off coupon which I then use to buy more books! I actually keep very few books myself, but we have soooo many kids books. I am an elementary teacher though, so as soon as my kids outgrow them, they are being donated to school. They use them as giveaways, in book swaps, just in classroom libraries, all kinds of ways!


smileglysdi t1_jddy6uw wrote

Do you live in the US? If you do, you should be able to use interlibrary loan, which should be able to get you any book you want. Getting a reciprocal card from another, larger library should also be an option. Goodwill/Salvation Army and other thrift stores have TONS of children’s books- usually pretty cheap!