
smocky13 t1_iufvy3f wrote

Like I said, enjoy your privilege and your flight. 'Spending a bit more' isn't in the cards for a lot of people.

Personally, I actually do quite well and my family is very comfortable. I'm just not under the illusion that I'm better than anybody else because of the number in my brokerage account. But as you say, YOU DO YOU.


smocky13 t1_iuftone wrote

You not seeing it as elitist to spend a couple hundred extra for a flight is extraordinarily elitist.

Even at a hundred bucks extra for the ticket, a family of five on teachers salaries might have to save for months to afford the 'good airline' for the first vacation they've taken in 5 years.

But nah...You're right. I'm just stupid. Enjoy your privilege and your flight.


smocky13 t1_iufpx02 wrote

The difference here is that your work is paying,in which case I would totally agree. It's definitely not worth it to go the discount rate.

Out of your own pocket is a different story