
snotwhat t1_iu3tblx wrote

Yes, it is antisemitic to use “but historically they have been in powerful positions” to not take seriously the fact that Jewish people make up less than 2% of the world population, most ARE NOT RICH AND POWERFUL. Jewish people historically have not been able to own property, so they lent money, sold jewels, and this is as a community. Things have a changed a bit, but there are still way more Christian people in powerful positions. So when issues happen to Jewish people it’s easy to push it off as. “We’ll, they are all connected anyway, right?”


snotwhat t1_irmjawz wrote

I lived in NO for a few years and then moved to Philly and did not fit in. Friends there always told me to move to Baltimore. They were so right, it’s so similar (art, music, culture, water) but it’s got an unique East Coast vibe.