
snowbellsnblocks t1_j9fttkg wrote

As frequently as possible you should try to get at least 5-10 minutes of sunlight into your eyes. Please do not directly stare at the sun. By getting sunlight in your eyes it helps set your circadian rhythm. On the opposite end, try to avoid super bright overhead lights at night. I also find even 5-10 minutes of exercise in the morning makes me feel way better. FWIW I am someone who also needs to wake up very early for work.


snowbellsnblocks t1_iy3lc3w wrote

Yeah this place is great. Sure if you need like two things the shipping probably is not worth it but if you get a bunch of shit it's great. Stop buying shitty sheet pans from regular stores that always buckle. I bought a few from here and they have been bulletproof for years and they are like 10 bucks or something.