
soks86 t1_jeet4gf wrote

Why not?

It sounds like a very good idea to lower the % you're paying.

This will also lower your revolving credit balance so the personal loan + 0 balance credit cards should boost your score and potentially open up lower % opportunities.

Especially true if you can get a loan _without_ origination fees.


soks86 t1_iv6o3d1 wrote

Well that might reduce comfort at the street level in dense downtown areas. Huh... although larger buildings actually take cold and pass it down (no compressed gas pipes going the length of skyscrapers as leaks would be hell to fix and probably dangerous overall) that doesn't change the effect of letting the heat off of the windows build up between buildings while the insides of the buildings bring less cool air to the base.

Electric cars to the rescue!


soks86 t1_iv6dl4j wrote

That and reflecting heat truly does not in any way add to the total heat in the system.

Air conditioning is an expenditure of energy, electrical, which does generate more heat in the system.

Another way to think about it. Running air conditioners is consuming ~15% of global energy. This window idea would save ~5% of that. Adding more air conditioners would increase the ~15%, not decrease it.


soks86 t1_itqlxcx wrote

Oh, I think you can use the same testing method.

One could argue the group-think people didn't participate because had they been paying attention they would have the right answer. Or is it that they didn't trust themselves?

I mean, assuming people won't participate is kinda... tangential to the issue?


soks86 t1_ito7wee wrote

Population selection is a big part of experiments with people.

They very much want a selection of people that accurately represent the whole of the group they are studying. They aren't trying to show the limit of people's abilities like a competition might. They're more interested in understanding how "usual" people work because that's what the world is composed of. Having a better understanding of what the world is composed of helps us make decisions with more foresight. Decisions with more foresight should, on average, be better decisions.

Further on the topic, how would you find people who exhibit group-think immunity? If it's by this same experiment then you're just cherry picking your results. You would need to find some other measure by which to select "group-think immune" people and then have them take the test.

I bet if you picked 3 and 4 star generals for the experiment then compared them to the general population you might get something interesting. However that result would provide information on what sort of people become 3 and 4 star generals rather than about "usual" people.