
solostinlost t1_j9ayraa wrote

Google your county/city and “arrest records” — might take 24 hours for the info to be in the system but I had to use it for an issue with a neighbor in henrico and was able to see what they were charged with the next day. Make sure you’re only viewing official government sites because there are a number of spammy pages that can show up in the mix


solostinlost t1_j8ygpqs wrote

I don’t think concierge medicine is ruining healthcare. I think it exists as a result of our healthcare system already failing.

I’m currently trying to get seen by a doctor for some pain/discomfort without paying thousands of dollars for an ER visit (even with insurance). My old PCP dropped me after 3 years of inactivity, urgent care doesn’t really have the resources for what I currently need, and new patient PCP appts aren’t available for weeks. In my search for care options, this concierge model keeps coming up and sounds like the best option. Idk just my two cents as somebody currently frustrated with our healthcare system. I’ve been having issues for almost 2 weeks and wouldn’t be able to get in with traditional primary care til the end of the month.


solostinlost t1_iu7b5wp wrote

Thanks for doing this! I’ve been renting for a while and lived in the same house in Lakeside for the last 3 years. We moved here because the rent was cheaper than our one bedroom Museum District apt at the time. Our landlords have been gracious enough not to increase rent at all for 3 years but let us know that when our lease is up to renew in June 2023 that it will increase. We are paying at least $500 below each month what most houses are renting for around us. But we’re itching for a bigger space that is our own. My fear is that we’ll end up with rent high enough to be a monthly mortgage payment if we renew but that we don’t have enough time to start the process of looking to buy. OR that it’s still not the right time. If any of that makes sense after my rambling, advice/opinions would be appreciated. First time buyers. Do we a) stay put, pay more in rent b) start looking to buy by June or c) wait it out til June, ask to go month to month while we search?


solostinlost t1_iskt218 wrote

Yep! Orlando for a year in what was supposed to be my dream job. I had the hardest time making friends and the weather got old pretty quick. Richmonders love to complain about heat and humidity but we’ve got nothing on central FL. Moved back here 5 years ago and haven’t regretted it