
somewhat_random t1_jcx5fs3 wrote

This is quite expensive and you must actually have accomplished something to qualify so for most of us a better route would be to buy a knighthood from Sealand.

I became a Count there several years ago and my son is a knight.

Now you may say that a piece of paper that claims nobility from an arbitrary country may be useless but I fail to see why my nobility is any less valid than those "granted" throughout the rest of Europe.


somewhat_random t1_j6w4f2a wrote

Both these possibilities are well explored in the Expanse series of books (and TV shows).

If a ship is always under thrust, people inside will experience the equivalent of gravity. Humans need gravity (as evidenced by issues of returning astronauts).

If you had a VERY efficient fuel source, you could remain under thrust throughout your journey except at the mid point where the ship must flip (i.e. accelerate at 1.0 g for half the trip and then decelerate for the second half and so have almost constant gravity). This uses a LOT of fuel though so is not practical with any known propulsion system.


somewhat_random t1_j6w3y12 wrote

As long as you are creating a bespoke planet, make it the right size and the right distance from the right sized sun with the right gas mix and it is possible that a breathable atmosphere at a livable temperature will exist at an elevation so that the gas pressure is one atmosphere.

You can float at this pressure so yes it is possible.

You would have to deal with wind though but it may be possible with the correct gas mix, spin, solar distance etc that wind could be minimized. Gas giants (well at least the ones we know about) tend to be pretty stormy.


somewhat_random t1_j6w3bo3 wrote

There is a process to create jet fuel using the energy from a nuclear reactor and sea water (basically driving the burning reaction backwards) that has been developed for use by aircraft carriers.

In simple terms "oil" is just a mix of hydrocarbons, all of which are easily synthesized in a lab but the energy required must come from somewhere.


somewhat_random t1_izccrw0 wrote

weather is complex but a couple items that should be mentioned:

heat is added all day and removed at night. The net flux of energy is that solar radiation adds energy during the day and black body cooling sends energy away from earth at night.

In summer, the solar radiation is higher (that is why it is summer) so there is more gain during the day. At night, a warmer black body can emit more energy so the dark planet can lose more energy at night.

Cloud cover dampens both effects so cloudy winters make this more pronounced.


somewhat_random t1_it6hhyu wrote

Stealing the top post to add:

If you are cut, you are better off NOT disinfecting with alcohol since the alcohol will kill the cells at the edge of the cut and slow healing. You should wash with soapy water.

Also for bacteria, the most lethal concentration of alcohol is about 70%. This kills more bacteria than the 99%.


somewhat_random t1_iszw3ty wrote

A few people have mentioned the study that showed a 25 hour day.

If you are setting up a control system, one way to do that is to set the hard reset at longer than expected and then have a soft reset trigger at the "best" time.

This means if the soft reset is missed for any reason, the second hard reset will kick in but not before the potential "optimum".

The sun rising in this case is the soft reset and if you miss that you get at most an extra hour so you are not too far out of rhythm.