sonic_butthole_music t1_jef7qbd wrote
Reply to 1% unethical! Thanks Starbucks! by Rorycobb88
It’s the crime that gives it the flavor
sonic_butthole_music t1_jef74g2 wrote
Reply to comment by HouseCravenRaw in Parents of LGBT children at the first Pride Parade, 1973 by Heretostay59
Thanks dad
sonic_butthole_music t1_jef5rq2 wrote
Reply to comment by mr_beaun in Parents of LGBT children at the first Pride Parade, 1973 by Heretostay59
I’m not even gay and my dad has never said he’s proud of me
sonic_butthole_music t1_jecin5y wrote
Reply to Facial reconstruction of Julius Caesar by chocool6
Pure alpha
sonic_butthole_music t1_jdodt9k wrote
Reply to comment by TidalLion in Discovered this spinning around in my HVAC fan. by leitbur
It’s one of the enemies from silent hill
sonic_butthole_music t1_jd8knht wrote
Reply to comment by caughtinthought in Leaked document shows Amazon's flawed job-posting process led to 'over-hiring,' with one team listing 3 times more openings than approved for by marketrent
To be fair, they can do with 10 lines what a lesser engineer would need 14 for
sonic_butthole_music t1_jcnn6fz wrote
It’s gonna be the Cadillac of moon base nuclear reactors.
sonic_butthole_music t1_jabmt0d wrote
Reply to comment by feuerwehrmann in Conservative News Corp. empire says hackers were inside its network for 2 years by DoremusJessup
That’s part of the issue but it’s also a result of changing tactics. A whole ecosystem of hacker for hire companies have sprung up and among them are initial access brokers. They gain access to a network and often sit for months, slowly expanding access and collecting information to sell to other hackers for them to exploit. A few years ago the average time between an attacker gaining a foothold and exploitation was 5 hours. It’s grown to 9 months today.
sonic_butthole_music t1_jeh06d2 wrote
Reply to comment by unbeatenbusker400 in The first McDonald’s, circa 1937. by Positive_Apple_923
Why would I want to watch a movie about a fish?