
soph0nax t1_j8fki93 wrote

Based on everything you're saying - even with a ground connection in the circuit you still would have been shocked (not electrocuted). If current was able to enter your body something aside from the lack of a ground in the outlet was at fault, and the electricity would have found the shortest path to ground - which would have still been thru your body.


soph0nax t1_j8fk3wk wrote

3-prong outlets without the ground-wire connected are VERY common in older buildings and completely up to code as long as the outlet is clearly labelled as lacking a ground (usually done with a sticker). If you truly suspect grounding to be a legitimate issue, the correct course of action would be to request the outlet be replaced with a GFCI outlet which will pop the moment a short circuit condition exists - but this outlet will also need to be clearly labelled as lacking a ground.


soph0nax t1_j1mzcm0 wrote

I believe everyone deserves a union, however at present the system does not allow for folks who work under 1099's to unionize - this excludes every "gig worker". We need to change worker classifications in order for them to have the first steps to proper recognized unionization.

I personally feel like everyone who works for these apps is being misclassified and should be an employee and not a contractor, but these companies have gone to great lengths to fight both changing worker classifications and in many instances convince the folks who contract themselves to these apps to fight against their own self-interests and perpetuate the independent contractor model that allows them to run as inexpensively as they do (ie the lie that workers cannot be both an employee AND have a flexible schedule).

The best the workers can do at the moment are these collective organizations that fight for their rights but don't have any legal weight behind their mission statements.


soph0nax t1_ivesoi3 wrote

The gas mopeds blow across the bridge bike lanes at 25-30mph. They can most certainly keep up with vehicle traffic going across the bridge assuming the bridge vehicles are keeping to the legal speed limit of the city so let's not be dramatic and say the cars on the bridge are going twice as fast - half the time the bridge traffic is crawling.