
spacew0man t1_itr392k wrote

This works in some situations, but falls flat in many others. Sometimes, you have to keep going even though it costs your mental health. In those cases, that’s when you learn coping skills and ways to protect your mental health despite being in extremely stressful situations.

Not everyone can just quit because their job or school is tanking their mental health, but the answer isn’t to just suffer. You take up journaling, meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, therapy, medication, literally anything you can to take care of yourself so you can get through that stress and make it to the other side. Life is hard, but humans are resilient and history shows how stubbornly we will press onward even in the most dire of circumstances.


spacew0man t1_itr2duv wrote

Agreed. I have disabilities and mental health disorders and I’ve been in a state of chronic stress for many years because of it. If I followed the advice of this post, I would literally be unable to exist at all. Like, take care of your mental health, and make changes if you personally feel they will help your situation. But just quitting everything that costs your mental health? Existing costs me my mental health, lmao. I still gotta get up and do it just like countless others who have to do the same to survive.