
speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_je3aalm wrote

> Not going to argue with anti-american people.

Proceeds to argue.

> Let's ask Ukraine if they think the USA is evil like you all think.

"Ukraine" is a country, not a person. A lot of Ukrainians have left Ukraine since 2014. Shall we ask them?

> I just hope you're not in the USA doing it.

I hope you are.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_jayslx4 wrote

They just have to give no reason (or a vague, boilerplate reason "we don't think this candidate is a good fit for our organization"), of course, and they can refuse to hire for almost anything.

Anyway, quick research appears to confirm that a US employer can refuse to hire a pardoned convict based on their criminal record.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_jayrzsf wrote

> They pardoned federal crimes. Your statement was about the state level so that is what I responded to.

You're confusing me with another poster.

> It is unclear to me if the president has those powers, pretty sure that has to be Congress.

That seems to be true.

In any case. the Biden admin is implying that this action does more than it actually does. Disinforming the public and taking credit for more than he actually did.

> “The President’s pardon lifts barriers to housing, employment and educational opportunities for thousands of people with those prior convictions,”


If it's up to the federal government (federal jobs and such), this may work. Of course, the Biden admin fired a bunch of people for mj early on, didn't they?

And who knows what future administrations might do.

But a pardon doesn't expunge a conviction from your record.

And an employer can still absolutely refuse to hire a pardoned mj convict.

And a landlord can still absolutely refuse housing.

No one has been or will be released from prison.

The best possible result is a certificate saying you've been pardoned by Joe Biden. Which may actually mean something to some relevant people. Or it may not.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_jaydnam wrote

>Yes, but that has to be done at the state level or as an act of Congress. This affects about 6,500 people. This is about all the Biden administration can do for past convictions.

Why can't they expunge records?

That would provide concrete help to those 6500 people.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_jaydi3j wrote

> The relief was automatic...

A pardon doesn't remove a conviction from your record.

No one has been or will be released from prison.

The fact that a convict has been pardoned may or may not change the mind of an employer, landlord, etc.

In that context, a cute little certificate saying that you were pardoned is probably worth a tiny little Something, to someone. Hopefully.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_jaycip8 wrote

“The President’s pardon lifts barriers to housing, employment and educational opportunities for thousands of people with those prior convictions,”

Maybe. Which makes this disinformation.

If it's up to the federal government (federal jobs and such), this may work. Of course, the Biden admin fired a bunch of people for mj early on, didn't they?

And who knows what future administrations might do.

But a pardon doesn't expunge a conviction from your record.

And an employer can still absolutely refuse to hire a pardoned mj convict.

And a landlord can still absolutely refuse housing.

No one has been or will be released from prison.

The best possible result is a certificate saying you've been pardoned by Joe Biden. Which may actually mean something to some relevant people. Or it may not.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_ja40v1w wrote

I'm confused.

> I always laugh at how right and left meet in the middle.

Don't the US right and "left" meet somewhere on the right?

There still is a very small true left, I guess you could be referring to us?

> All these conservative friends talking about media conspiracies, and i say it isn't a conspiracy. It has been documented and discussed for decades by none other than your friends on the left.

Does something stop being a conspiracy when it's documented and discussed?


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_ja3ztqf wrote

sure, foreign governments try to influence you, but their influence is a drop in the ocean compared to your own government and corporations.

The fact that you believe differently is due to propaganda from your own government and corporations.