
special_circumstance t1_j9rcalx wrote

Hmm how would the look for me?

✅ age 0.01 US CITIZEN (wow, cool! I did that!)

✅ age 26 college grad (dang I’m good!)

✅ age 28 married (oh wow, accomplishment!)

✅ age 38 divorced (that counts right?)

✅ still age 38 — father of nobody. (Winning!)

Actually screw this. That guys list is fucking garbage.


special_circumstance t1_j78lygb wrote

One doesn’t need a “right” to commit crimes, so why would you say that not consenting to criminal law doesn’t give one the right to commit crimes? It’s a confusing argument because it introduces an irrelevant element to the topic. I think what’s missing here is the important reality that it is not “rights” that empower people. The thing that empowers people is power and the threat and use of violence to force others to observe and act according to what we imagine to be acceptable. The nature of the violence is not the same in this application. Sometimes it’s physical bodily threats, harm, and destruction. Sometimes it’s psychological violence like isolation, public humiliation, and censorship. Sometimes it’s revisionist, property damage, and sabotage. For example: we can’t beat a malicious usurer to death with our rights. We can, however, declare our rights to have been violated and then beat them to death with a stick.


special_circumstance t1_ivmx2he wrote

this is a cool drawing. it would be cool to see someone draw frankenstein's moster displaying the feelings of horror, disgust, and sadness towards himself the way he felt in the actual book. turns out being a re-animated corpse and knowing that's what you are is not nearly as fun or empowering as TV would have us believe. Also showing Frankenstein himself being terrified of his own creation.