
specialspartan_ t1_jcp1u9f wrote

It absolutely does. Appreciation of art and music is an integral part of the human experience and losing that due to a concern over giving financial support and enabling assholes and abusers is a terrible choice. The obvious solution is to enjoy the art you want to and steal it from those you don't want to enable so that you are not forced to choose to deprive yourself of what you love or enable such people.


specialspartan_ t1_iubw7g6 wrote

I don't think we have a definitive answer to this, but from my understanding intelligence within a species has less to do with the brain's size and more to do with it's structure and complexity. Also, someone who is born bigger and taller won't necessarily be faster or stronger if they don't do at least equal amounts of exercise. Similarly, someone born with a higher potential for intelligence won't be smarter if they don't do things like read, create, scrutinize, and solve problems. Another likely reason is that a person born with a gifted physique might be more inclined to nurture that aspect of themselves, e.g. choosing to go to the gym rather than the library.


specialspartan_ t1_irezay5 wrote

A racist dogwhistle. Half of all "illegal" immigrants came here legally and very few of them commit any violent crime or theft. the only people ever accused of illegal immigration are Latino and it doesn't matter any more how they got here to the person screeching "ILLEGALS" than it does to the people welcoming them. People are people, end of story. The grossly inflated concern of illegal immigration is nonsense used to manipulate, you guessed it, racists.


specialspartan_ t1_irey2v0 wrote

You mean the people who love breitbart, Newsmax, one America news, fox, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and all the other bigots you're saying don't exist? I'd tell you to touch some grass but I don't have the patience for the semantic argument necessary to explain to you what grass is.


specialspartan_ t1_irewn6f wrote

Make America great again. Build the wall. Secure borders. It all means the same thing. That's why so many of these guys fly swastikas and confederate flags next to their bastardized American flags. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are two famous racists who are insanely popular with white lower-to-middle class blue collar workers with no college education because they constantly spew nonsense about immigration and the harm it causes white culture. Because, you know, the US is full of racist assholes.


specialspartan_ t1_irerup9 wrote

One of America's biggest problems aside from exploitation of workers and resources is white people who think other races existing is harmful to them. What this really illustrates is how immigration benefits the US and exposes the myth that immigrants are freeloaders and criminals who come looking for handouts. Fox News is bad for your brain.
