
speckyradge t1_je17yxq wrote

You'll always find metal on studs because there are always drywall screws. Move the finder vertically. If it stops beeping and starts again a few inches later, it's screw heads you're finding. If it screams continuously, it's more likely something else. Electrical outlet boxes are generally attached to studs and the wire or conduit may be run vertically along that stud. If you can see an outlet just to either side of where you found the stud and your stud finder gives you a continual metal / electrical signal on that stud then you probably have a wire running down that stud. Pipes might also cause a continuous alarm from the stud finder when moving vertically along the stud, or they may be horizontal and pass through it.


speckyradge t1_iy1z30b wrote

I've got tenacious tape on a gear bag that's been there about 12 years. It's phenomenal stuff.

I've got a jacket that similarly got ember holes and it's patched with tenacious. 3 years, countless wear, stuffed in bags, rained on etc etc... Still there.


speckyradge t1_ix00q4z wrote

That's somewhat of a fallacy. Chicagoans buy guns from outside of Chicago because.... there are no gun stores in Chicago. Secondly, an Illinois resident cannot legally go into Indiana, buy a handgun from a store and drive home with it. That's a federal law. So for Indiana guns to wind up in criminal hands, multiple laws have to be broken by multiple people. Straw purchasing, private party sales across state lines or interstate weapons trafficking.


speckyradge t1_irhlcnp wrote

Any kind of help? California is pretty heavy on this sort of thing and you have to be 5150'd - that's an involuntary mental health hold. You are judged to be a threat to yourself or others and are held in an institution for a brief period.

If you go see a therapist or start taking anti-depressants, they don't care, keep your guns.


speckyradge t1_irhl52h wrote

I need to find the article again but yes. The UK did a lot of research in to preventing suicide and did a couple of simple things. The most common method of suicide was OTC painkiller overdose. They stopped you being able to buy more than 16 paracetamol (acetaminophen) at a time and they had to packaged in individual blister packs and not bottles.

They reckoned if you could delay someone's ability to take act on taking their own life by about 10 minutes, the probability of them following through goes down drastically. Buying multiple packs from different shops and then individually popping out a load of pills created that delay.

90% of people who attempt suicide and fail, do not reattempt. Americans don't attempt suicide much more frequently than other nations, but the success rate of firearms suicides (which are disproportionately represented in America) is far higher than any other method.


speckyradge t1_iqol83a wrote

It's super repairable too. I have a vest of theirs that I wore through a small area. I think with their guarantee they'd probably replace but I just darned it. Slap some wax on it and you're done. I've got a similar material, Barbour, wax jacket thats nearly 30 years old. Waxed cotton / canvas is great stuff for durability and repaitability. Darn it, patch it, re-wax whenever it needs it.