
spicytoastaficionado t1_je8hrkn wrote

>One big difference is that the developers will only be able to lease the Boathouse from the National Park Service and someone would have to outright buy the Flatiron:

Which is a significant difference.

Even taking out Garlick's bids, the selling price for the Flatiron itself would likely be ballpark, or more, than the entire bathhouse project.

Don't get me wrong, I hope the Flatiron lands some owners who end up being responsible stewards of the property and do something productive with it.

But I think we have to be realistic about the very long, expensive, and effortful process involved to completely reimagine a landmark building like Flatiron.


spicytoastaficionado t1_je8evbt wrote

What you're describing is accurate, but it also contradicts your previous "poker math" theory since Garlick will not be allowed to bid in a future auction and is unlikely to be involved w/ future ownership.

So unless you're alleging some sort of shill bidding conspiracy between Garlick and the runner-up (Gural's group), the next winner paying less than $190m doesn't benefit Garlick in any way.


spicytoastaficionado t1_je8e43o wrote

That isn't how auctions, especially high-value real estate auctions, operate. There is no post-sale price haggling.

You don't win a $190m auction, stiff the deposit, and then try and negotiate 10% off the sale price.

Jeff Gural's group (which was part of 3/4 of the previous ownership) already declined to exercise his runner-up option because he knows if/when the building goes back up for auction, he could nab it at a much lower price when you take out Garlick's bids.

The "poker math" theory only works if Garlick emerges as the owner and pays significantly less than he bought it for.

In reality, Garlick will be blacklisted from future auctions and the new owner will be the ones paying less than $190m.


spicytoastaficionado t1_je8aguk wrote

>This building could easily be half for artists use on the middle floors, a jazz club on the ground floor, and upper section for boutique tech or business HQ offices, maybe a wedding venue on a floor or even a small artsy pre-K school for kids. And the rooftop could have a beautiful green space with a day coffee shop/lounge for nighttime use.

What you're describing would be a complete renovation of the building where you gut and rebuild the entire interior, on top of the cost to buy it along with navigating the complexities of heavy renovation of a landmark status building.

Not sure anything that would require hundreds of millions of dollars in upfront costs could be described as "easily" done.

Also, anyone spending that kind of $$$ would want a ROI. I don't think the artists who could actually afford a space in Flatiron 2.0 are the type you have in mind.

And as far as office space, if a startup wanted Manhattan office space, they could do a lot cheaper than whatever it would cost to rent out space in a newly renovated Flatiron Building.


spicytoastaficionado t1_jd4lq5g wrote

Fortunately, there are still a number of dollar slice shops in Manhattan.

The 99c Delicious Pizza shops on 7th Ave are still a buck, for example. Also a good spot on 31st and of course 99c Fresh Pizza on 40th.

These places work on volume, so I am committed to eating at least $8 worth of pizza every other day in rotation at the various dollar slice shops still left along with tipping generously.

I am willing to do this to help the cause of keeping the remaining dollar slices true for you, the people.

Ate $3 worth of slices already today. Will be heading out in a few hours for rounds 2 and 3.


spicytoastaficionado t1_jcnf20h wrote

Almost all of the grievances listed in the article boil down to people not adequately researching the maintenance of having a backyard, no matter how small.


  • Complaining about mosquitos in an outdoor space.
  • Complaining about rats in NYC in an outdoor space where food is served.
  • Not realizing leaves falling clogs drainpipes
  • Buying an apartment with a rooftop garden without understanding the basic concept of plants needing to be watered.


These people wanted a place to host parties and brunches without doing any of the actual work to maintain that space.



spicytoastaficionado t1_jcm7yb7 wrote

>This story is the equivalent of one of those white grandpas in the south calling the news because some Antifa wrote "Black People Rule" on their garage.

Of all the racial graffiti hoaxes that have made the news in the past few years, most of them were not perpetuated by "white grandpas in the south" so it is weird you are using a fringe example to make your point.

If you don't believe me, just Google "graffiti race hoax" and you will find a common theme with the overwhelming majority of the suspects, and it isn't the perps being southern grandpas.


spicytoastaficionado t1_jcm7aww wrote

It will be interesting to see how this develops.

I agree with the other comments that a restaurant worker not seeing a whole rat when ladling soup seems far-fetched.

Restaurant also making some bold claims on their IG page regarding the couple trying to extort them, while the couple claims that the restaurant attempted to bribe them into silence.

I suppose we'll wait and see how this develops.


spicytoastaficionado t1_jc4p92h wrote

Conventional wisdom would say you would never get in trouble for defending a kid from a violent gang style beating, but this is the same borough where the DA charged a bodega worker with murder even after they had video of him clearly defending himself.

Also, you don't know how other people would react.

It doesn't seem like they cared about a bunch of teens bullying another teen, but if someone didn't know what was going on and saw an adult beating up some kids, you might catch a beat down of your own from a half dozen people


spicytoastaficionado t1_jajx4ci wrote

I remember this story well.

DeBlasio/Shea defended NYPD's actions by claiming they were arresting looters and rioters who violated the city curfew.

But it turned out NYPD kettled in a large group of protestors before the 8 PM curfew, didn't let them leave, and then claimed they were violating curfew after it was 8 PM.

I am all for cracking down on opportunistic rioters and looters, but NYPD was more interested in the low-hanging fruit of peaceful protestors.


spicytoastaficionado t1_ja8naj7 wrote

>I know the post is very trashy and sensational

The Post is 100% a trashy tabloid, but their sensationalist coverage of the Alba incident played a significant role in Bragg's Office dropping charges in the Jose Alba case.

They had the exclusive with the security camera footage which vindicated him completely and made it a major cover story. The video turned a local crime story into national news.

Given the evidence, the case would have been dismissed anyway, but who knows how long that process would have taken had The Post not leaked the video.

Keep in mind Bragg's Office had the video the entire time and still not only arrested Alba, but wanted to pursue murder charges against him.