
splatomat t1_jdyvoyt wrote

That's probably because its far tougher to be homeless in Minnesota in January than California. It goes below freezing and then stays there 24 hours a day for weeks on end, sometimes. The outdoors just becomes lethal. Lots of people hop on trains or evacuate for winter and come back during more temperate months. Some people tough it out.

It's very hard to see people living in tents outside when its -20 degrees and not believe that our system is fucked to hell and back. Yet some manage to do just that.


splatomat t1_j0tr0vw wrote

It doesn't help that streaming went from a glorious time of few sources to literally every single network propping up their own service with their own subscription fee that continually goes up and up and up. It's just cable all over again, and just like cable, a lot of what's being put out is trash.