
splittingheirs t1_jede87t wrote

I don't mean full, as in packed full to the brim. It is teeming with energy and virtual particles. There is no space that doesn't have energy and particles. It is a property of space itself.

Also yes, you could say space is nothing because it is an emergent phenomenon. But that is besides the point as pretty much everything in physics and therefore reality are emergent phenomena of more fundamental laws and properties. IE QFT pretty much says that no particles exist and its just all waves.

If you can properly explain gravity, step up and claim your noble prize. It is one of the most hotly studied areas currently in physics. Quantum loop gravity is a theory attempting to explain gravity at the quantum level by stating that spacetime emerges from quantum interactions.


splittingheirs t1_jedcqva wrote

Space is something. It is not made of "nothing". The emptiest space is still buzzing with matter and energy.

Also quite a few physicists suspect space and time are an emergent property that reflect quantum scale interactions and relationships between matter. IE, space literally manifests itself as an illusion of quantum interactions. So if space exists, it's for the express purpose of displaying the result of material interactions that define it, it couldn't be empty if it tried.

For further information: lookup quantum loop gravity.


splittingheirs t1_j1h1mlc wrote

  • T^(trav)= t*(1-v^(2)/c^(2))^(1/2) where:
    t = time observed in the other reference frame
    T^(trav) = time in travelers own frame of reference
    v = the speed of the moving object
    c = the speed of light in a vacuum

observer (t) sees 1 000 000 years go past. Traveler's velocity (v) = c. So:
T^(trav) = 1000000*(1-c^(2)/c^(2))^(1/2)
Time experienced by traveler traveling at c = 0 years.


splittingheirs t1_ix67yzs wrote

Trademark protection is one of those things that requires companies to constantly challenge others over ownership of their Trademark. If a single case of trademark infringement goes unchallenged then the company can lose their right to the trademark entirely and irrevocably. This is what happend to Mcdonalds and BigMacs in the EU, though in their case they challenged it but couldn't be assed to do their due dilligence in presenting their case.


splittingheirs t1_iugfzl1 wrote

Reply to comment by Minuted in A flight of dragonflies by supernb86

Apparently right at the top of the list for successful predators. Their rate of success per hunting attempt leaves pretty much all other predators for dead by a wide margin. They've been around for over 300 million years (way longer than the dinosaurs) and remain almost completely unchanged from that time, such is their physical perfection in their ecological niche.