
sregor0280 t1_j1shgju wrote

This is what I'm thinking. Red from berries associated with the plants the pegans associated with the winter festivals

Remember, Christmas was co opted by Christianity to ease conversion of the pegans into the religion. The Christians should be celebrating the birth of their lord and savior... I believe it's somewhere mid summer.


sregor0280 t1_j1sh6rz wrote

All they did was help solidify it as "the Santa look" I was born in 80 and raised by my grandparents who were born in the early 30s. They had some old Christmas decorations with a blue Santa and a green Santa.

Coke ran with the red Santa because it matched their company colors (red woth white trim, and red with white letters) and they made it the more popular color pattern for Santa, but in no way created it.


sregor0280 t1_j1050pu wrote

The choice was "come now on your own, or go to court to fight it and lose and still come" not much of a choice but he did have the option of trying to fight the extradition. And even if he won, he would have been disappeared in the middle of the night and brought back against his will. Dog the bounty hunter would have used the powers of his mullet to bring him home.


sregor0280 t1_j0ypun6 wrote

In vanilla wow I would level you to cap in like 6 days for 250. I would level 4 accounts at a time, I played a tank and would multi box with macro software to emulate key presses when I would press a key mapped in this software on box1 it would press a mapped key on boxes 2 through 5.

I made about 1k a week playing wow this way.