
sstruemph t1_j78pa9i wrote

Reply to comment by GundleFly in Cheese by BetterMakeAnAccount

Ah and of course now I see that OP said to not mention the cheese cave but here I went ahead and did anyways. Oof, I literally did not read that far. But hey, you win some and you lose some but you live to eat cheese another day


sstruemph OP t1_iy8dg8c wrote

Reply to comment by Jaded-Moose983 in LPT Opening jars by sstruemph

I got the idea from a gift that was given out to people at a wedding I went to. It was just a smallish round plastic disc with a grippy surface. It worked great! But it fell apart and I tossed it. But that is what gave me the idea to use sandpaper instead.