
stackinpointers t1_j04dm92 wrote

Is that the case? I thought usually employers have their hands tied to an extent until they know whether or not the accused is guilty. Otherwise a wrongfully accused person can sue said employer.

In this case, I'd expect the guilty plea to lead directly to termination


stackinpointers t1_ivdzbmg wrote

30 billion.

That's the lower bound on what it would cost to retrofit 2m nat gas Mass homes with heat pumps. Of course this ignores the fact that the labor to get it done in time for this winter is non-existent at the scale required.

And your big idea for our natural gas shortage this winter is to take 4.7m from the man to get started.

You're 0.015% of the way there, leaving 99.98% of homes wishing we had the CEO of eversource back. Great work math wiz.


stackinpointers t1_iuw5mao wrote

If only your big brain could understand how far $3/per home would go toward this winter's shortage.

It's fortunate for Mass that we don't have idealistic idiots like you doing anything important. Keep barking up the wrong tree while the adults solve the problems at hand.

I mean really, you're going to spend a few million on heat pump incentives instead of lobbying the federal government for help? Give me a fucking break


stackinpointers t1_iumdx5g wrote

Giving it where? There are about 1.5m households in Mass that rely on NG for heat. He could give up his entire salary and that would buy everyone in the state a few hours of heat.

I'd rather overpay him the $4.7m if it means he's able to secure LNG for the region this winter.
