
stainfellow t1_iw3ouch wrote

Lol sorry - I just still can’t stop thinking about how hilariously pathetic this comment is.

All of human history, art has been used to connect with ones fellow man. Artists bearing their soul and giving a glimpse into the workings of their heart. The communal experience of audiences coming together to witness and wrestle with a creations meaning. Experiencing a work of poetry Or literature that challenges ones perceptions of the world, or affirms the human spirit.

And now these dorks think art’s highest aspiration is to be a series of colors and shapes that show them exactly what they already think they want to see so that they never have to consider another human again. Just sit in the dark being fed meaningless stimulation.

Have fun with “Transformer Batman and make it anti-feminist” or whatever movie you’re dreaming of putting into a promt


stainfellow t1_iw2r0p8 wrote

Haha no - he wants to exclusively watch AI generated movies that he’s incapable of talking about with literally anyone because they’re all based on prompts his shitty imagination conjured, like those YouTube videos made for children of Spider-Man and Elsa crashing their truck into Thomas the Tank
