
stealthwarriorofwl t1_j0ruc1o wrote

I'm sure they're doing their jobs but HoCo cops do abuse their power too.

I hired a contractor who happened to be a very nice African American gentlemen, he met me at the Home Depot to pick up material for my job because it wouldn't fit in my car - the cop pulled him over (and called for backup) and harassed him, wasted his time, and let him go with a warning for "running the stop sign".


stealthwarriorofwl t1_iyrsrx4 wrote

"It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of a tragic car accident that Dr. Zayneb and their two daughters were in last night.

Dr Zeyneb’s car was struck by a truck yesterday. She had both of her daughters with her, Alif (7) and Maryam (3). Baby Maryam passed away. Sister Alif is in critical condition and Dr. Zeyneb is in stable condition."