
stevez_86 t1_je0x537 wrote

Yeah there is something more serious going on than typical depression, it is depression caused by a stroke. While he is able to function as a normal person there are physical effects of that that changes who you are and what you can do. That's a big fucking change. Also the damage from a stroke may directly be the cause for depression. All of which he is seeking and obtaining treatment for. Which is something that if your insurance covers it should be considered normal. And it can happen to anybody. This man happens to be a senator. That doesn't mean he shouldn't seek treatment for either a condition exacerbated by a stroke or directly caused by a stroke.


stevez_86 t1_jacg04b wrote

Another take on that is Orwell's thoughts on double speak. Politics of the English Language is excellent for understanding how fascists love doublespeak because they get to speak the truth to their cohort but demand the benefit of the doubt from others.


stevez_86 t1_ivercue wrote

Yeah, I saw that too and still decided to stick with the word choice and phrasing. It's true two ways. You know, how Republicans like to speak. They say things that mean moderation to the independents but when heard by the right wing it means something totally different.

Like the "We support our police" signs. I always thought the "our" was superfluous. But when you realize what they are saying with that sign to an audience with whom the police are not friendly and the message becomes clear. We support our (people with property) police (people who will kill you other people if you step out of line).


We support our police when they kill you other people.

Sure not everyone with that sign is like that. Some will think it will help them if they police ever show up. Still not that great of a situation if you think about it. Or they do like their cops because they love watching law and order. But a lot of them that have made the effort to go out and display this? They aren't doing it mindlessly.


stevez_86 t1_ivbtx8e wrote

I always took that as the police being an institution of the Federal Government, which they are not. Looking into the message they want to put out there, then yes, it says exactly what they want. A police state that enforces wealth distribution. Wealth distribution of minorities to white people.

If the Thin Blu Line flags were state flags, then whatever, but they show the American Flag. And they are not flying that flag for the FBI, or DEA, or DHS. It is State Police they are trying to say are as valuable and institutional as the states and original colonies in our culture. Police in the modern form were not part of the founding of the country. It started in the Jim Crow era and then grew exponentially after the Great Depression. It's old, but not foundational. And looking further into the history of the Modern Structure of the police it gets even worse. I would recommend anyone reading this far to listen on the series on Police from Behind the Bastards. After that the Thin Blue Flags look even worse.