
stillnessismedicine t1_ivuth7y wrote

I hear you...I think a lot of people have misconceptions about what meditation is. Meditation is not sitting there in stillness feeling at peace. If we could just will ourselves to do that, none of us would have any problems. Meditation is turning your awareness inward and noticing what is there without judgement. Paired with deep breathing, it is a deeply therapeutic practice that cultivates self-awareness and self-compassion and with time with regular practice will lead to a greater sense of mindfulness and calm. Meditating is not easy, particularly when it is new for you and you have a lot of energy in your body or thoughts racing through your mind. Start with very short meditations. Do 1 min. And then 2. And then 5. Slowly build your ability to sit over time. It's kinda like working out, you can't expect to jump in and be in shape. You have to put some work in first. Anyway, I hope this is helpful, and hope you find what you need whatever that may be.