
stoplightarrival t1_j6p5f0y wrote

>On a side note, it's actually pretty wild how easy it is to get in THIS much debt at 20 years old. Like I'm working a part time job and I can't even drink yet, but I can be 40k in debt no problem.

Totally agree. But, that's the way our system is set up, unfortunately.

There is no great answer here, though - you'll have to pay that off before you can get your transcript to transfer or, I assume, register for classes again. Sometimes a school will make an arrangement with you like "If you'll take out $5k extra loans for next semester to pay off $5k from last semester, then we'll let you register", but I can't imagine you'll get $17k extra, so I don't think that will help you.

I think your only option is to work till you've earned enough to pay it off, and then probably to find a cheaper school to continue at.

Sucks, I know, but that's all I know to do. (Used to work in a college, so am familiar with most options...and don't think you have any other choices.)

Maybe the reason you're not getting many replies is simply there's not many good answers. Sometimes, there is no solution, outside of the obvious one (spend a year or two or whatever it takes working to pay it off).


stoplightarrival t1_j6jk23d wrote

/r/nocontract has good info about the various MVNO/reseller options if you're interested in shopping around. I am in my 30's and have never had a contract phone, 'cause the monthly fees are always way too high for me to be willing to pay for. MVNO/reseller is so much cheaper!