
stoptakingmylogins t1_it2e8gg wrote

That's exactly the point. It isn't like these people are arrested. That is the main issue, and cameras would allow a more rigid and enforceable accountability measure. Will ot definitely work like that? Who's to say - the DA is unreliable.

Security works as a deterrent, that's not much of a secret. Even if it prevents a handful of deaths a year, it's worth it. The only money on the line is money that the MTA is already spending, just very poorly.

Subway pushers get arrested and released the same week. That's very problematic. I'm not sure why this is an issue - would you not rather see the MTA manage their finances in such a way as to improve service, reliability, and safety for riders? It's not like I'm proposing massive overhaul or a drastic increase in budget.


stoptakingmylogins t1_it2bm6e wrote

That's not at all what I'm advocating. You're assuming an extreme. There is middle ground - I've got the math in my post history, but the MTA could easily afford multiple security guards and live, monitored cameras in every station for the cost of cutting just a couple percent on their overtime costs. Expecting the primary provider of public transport to invest my fares into security versus mismanaging funds is a fair ask.

You're much less likely to have a random driver make an attempt on your life versus violent, mentally unhinged people with prior assaults on their record on the train.


stoptakingmylogins t1_it1ea2n wrote

That's fair, but we're talking safety from some form of assault. I wouldn't argue that driving a car would statistically improve risk of death on a day to day basis, but if we were to talk about someone committing a crime against you, I'd say the subway is far more dangerous. Some numbers to compare would be total deaths from assault in the subway system vs total deaths from road rage or something of the like. There's more nuance, surely, but that's just an example.

To respond to the other guys point as well, I think we can agree that, despite the statistically higher risk of death in a car, you feel much more safe and secure in one than you do crammed into a train cart with dozens of strangers - let alone mentally deranged and violent ones. The perception of safety, in my opinion, is just as valuable as the safety itself. People need to feel safe in their local communities and on public transit.

When I moved to NYC 6 years ago, I felt safe. I feel significantly less safe now, 50 pounds heavier. Just earlier today on the M train at flushing Avenue, a homeless man just stood facing perpendicular to me as I sat. He just spits on the ground, sticks a hand in his jacket and glares around. I don't know if he had a knife or gun, but not much could compel me to find out. I think the nature of the problem is rooted in a city with so many people that are on the edge. I need to work to survive, but I miss the days where that meant a nice commute where I could take a nap between stops instead of making sure I'm always aware of who's around me.


stoptakingmylogins t1_it0m7fs wrote

Yes, but New York has a very high percentage of citizens who use the public transit system. Expecting safety measures on the subway is a VERY valid request. Random and unprovoked attacks can and do happen anywhere, but over the last two years the Northeast US has experienced the highest percentage rise.

People get stabbed, robbed, and assaulted multiple times a day in NYC. Memphis doesn't have shooters driving by every day. I grew up in Nashville and Memphis is notorious for being dangerous - frequently cited as one of the most dangerous in the country.

The issue in New York is that, moreso than any other city, you're frequently forced to take the risk. I have to use the subway to get to work, and almost daily someone clearly deranged will be on the train. Statistically, I'm probably safe, but every day I have to be on edge and careful because the mentally ill are passed through the shitty legal system and released over and over again. I'm a 6"5 guy, I imagine that is a huge reason I've managed to avoid conflict, but I've certainly come across people half my size that try to instigate me.

There are different issues at play here, but it's perfectly valid to mention the Subway as particularly unsafe. I'm sure if the man had the option, he would have driven his wife.