
stormy2587 t1_jdyslkh wrote

Can you tell me in what way a private individual suing a private institution from changing the names of one of its buildings is acting in good faith? Because I don’t really understand what legal standing he would have to do this? It seems like just a lawsuit designed to stoke public outrage and score political points more than anything else.

Facts of Mead’s life aside. It wouldn’t seem to matter to me either way. It seems like a pretty frivolous lawsuit.


stormy2587 t1_j9veu5l wrote

Am I right that it ends at the casino? They could at least bring it all the way to Valley Forge park. Idk maybe you’d get more weekend ridership from people in the city that way. N Gulph road has no sidewalk or shoulder between the casino and the park even though its a short walk.

Idk. The devil’s advocate in me thinks: Anything that could theoretically reduce congestion long term along the schuylkill is valuable. And KOP is the last exit before it becomes the turnpike. And has seen some development recently. This could spur more development in that area.

But there are probably a a dozen transit improvements you could make to septa for this price tag that would help more people.


stormy2587 t1_j93w94g wrote

I know I’ll get a response like “they probably don’t have a license” or something. But they should suspend this person’s license as well. Auto accidents and mistakes happen no one expects everyone to be perfect. But if you’re driving your whole ass car onto the sidewalk its sort of unambiguously flouting traffic laws. Like what if there is an emergency and EMTs need access to the building its in front of or something.

And if they don’t have a license impound the car until they can produce one. Then suspend it.