
strangedange OP t1_izdh7df wrote

Damn dude, it sounds the exact same as where I am now, almost worse. At least here I've never had a package stolen, and I don't have a fear of getting randomly murdered. I never walk after 9pm, but that rarely seems to matter these days. It's terrible and it's everywhere all the time.

I looked up Ozark, it seems nice.


strangedange OP t1_izdfzea wrote

Congrats! Excited for you! Its awesome just being able to walk into a place and buy all kinds of stuff. Has its downside though, because its all or mostly cash they are prime for robbery, the place I normally go to got robbed and the kid took like seven bullets trying to take the gun from the guy, he lived though thankfully.


strangedange OP t1_izd2jo6 wrote

That's been the strategy here too - bulldoze the camps and send them off into the night. They tried building an addon to a homeless shelter south of downtown, the people protested and it got nixed. Like I said I've been here for over 11 years, it's always existed. But recently I've been assaulted, my dog has been hurt, and it's just time for a change.


strangedange OP t1_izcygaw wrote

Thanks for the replies. I live just about as far away from downtown as you can while still staying in the city of Seattle but even so it's reached a tipping point. They are in the park, they are outside every store. They barricade the bus stops to do drugs at. My dog has gotten glass in his foot from the trash they leave everywhere. They burned a cart full of shit nearby and it melted the powerline above, AND it was right next to a big gas/electrical box thing. I've come outside to find them using the power outlet on the side of my house.

I'm not looking for Mayberry, but I want to be able to walk my dog without have to dodge broken glass and needles.