
strvgglecity t1_jcliyfv wrote

Unique? Why is reddit today absolutely chock full of people who make up shit in their own heads that I never said? I never said anything about being unique. I listed facts. An interstellar society would likely see us and say "no fucking way are we stepping in that shit show, we'll check back in 200 or 300 years".


strvgglecity t1_jcjbmwu wrote

I am saying that talking about a billion years from now is not only useless for planning purposes, but actually meaningless as an exercise, because a trillion things will happen that you could never have conceived of. If some remnant of humanity exists in some form that far in the future, who's to say it still exists in 3 dimensions? Or experiences time? Or cannot travel to other universes? Yes, I'm confident that saying you want to save the universe from a death that may not occur for a trillion years is the pinnacle of hubris.


strvgglecity t1_jcgliar wrote

This is hilarious nonsense. I don't think either of you understand what billions or trillions truly mean. Based on how evolution and life works as we know it, there is zero chance we would still be the same species in billions of years. We won't even be humans. We might all be conscious robots in 100 or 200 years. There is no reason to ever consider how present actions will affect the far future. It has no value and is not productive in any way. It's like making a plan in case the gravitational constant changes, or the speed of light stops being constant.


strvgglecity t1_jcg6x4m wrote

Based on current realities, I'd argue human expansion would be a net negative for life, assuming there is other life in the universe. Our species behaves like a cancer, growing exponentially until there is no more material to be consumed, at which point it must find new resources.


strvgglecity t1_jcg1vhd wrote

That's nonsense lol. It's stating that the purpose of life is to live, which is like saying the purpose of consuming water is to obtain liquid. It's different words saying the exact same thing, a fully circular statement.

To prove the point, what would then be the purpose of life after the universe does die/disappear?


strvgglecity t1_jad3f0x wrote

That wouldn't operate with "multiple passengers" unless you're gonna sit waiting at multiple other homes for people to show up, and then all luckily go to the same destination. Sure it would be convenient. Striving for convenience is literally destroying everything that makes our planet habitable.


strvgglecity t1_jabh06e wrote

That's great. It does not mean your experience is universal or that people should be shamed for being traumatized and not being able to "overcome" it.


strvgglecity t1_jabgu5k wrote

This post refers exclusively to trauma, which cannot always be solved. Try telling your nonsense to PTSD sufferers, that if they just wanted it bad enough, they'd be cured.