
suineg t1_jcwhvs3 wrote

I'm curious on the feasibility of a concept before I start going down the road. I am also unsure if maybe there is already a project that I should look into.

There is a fantasy book series that I enjoy and it's 10 books and 3.3M words (I don't have a character count). The world and characters are complicated and their interactions with other characters is sometimes pretty obscure. I want to make a dynamic wiki and search tool for two things.

Phase 1 - Ingest all of the text and start building out character profiles, book profiles, etc. The front end would tag information based on what book so if you've only ready up to book 7 you don't get 8-10 spoiled. You could give it a parameter like "list all the battles character a and character b are in together".

Phase 2 - This would be the difficult portion much later on and I'm not focused on it yet. You could get ask it something like "give me a view of character b after event_32" and based on the descriptions it would generate art. You could also give it things like "give me a scene of character b, d, and h at the battle of event_40" and it would generate one based on that stored event.