
sulaymanf t1_jarwvr8 wrote

White supremacy is not the same as religious extremism. And white supremacy is part of American history but it’s hardly mainstream American culture like you’re trying to claim for terrorism for Muslims. You’re really trying to stretch to defend a blatantly bigoted position you made earlier. Is terrorism a part of Colombian culture? No.


sulaymanf t1_jar2d5o wrote

> islamic extremism is a cultural practice tho

No it isn’t.

> but if it isn’t cultural then what is it?

POLITICAL, obviously.

> that’s just pure fact.

No that’s ignorant racism on your part. The vast majority of Muslims live in democracies worldwide, they celebrate holidays and they even elect women as presidents and prime ministers. Extremism is not part of culture; are you going to claim that Americans burning down mosques is part of our culture too?

> terrorism in general isn’t cultural of course that should go without saying

Then what are you trying to argue about?


sulaymanf t1_jar1rxg wrote

Muslim here, and hold on there. Islamic extremism is NOT part of our culture and there’s no longer any Muslim-majority country that has friendly relations with the Taliban. You had a good point about yeshivas but you lost me when you made such a dumb comparison.

You could easily criticize the privilege seen in Jewish enclaves of NYC, such as gender segregated buses run by a private Jewish company that takes metrocards, without mindlessly bashing a different community.


sulaymanf t1_j9it6bv wrote

Let me explain it again; the article is about medical supplies expiring. All you are talking about is PPE even though it’s not what the article is talking about. Go back and read it again.

> People worked in the same masks and other PPE for weeks because they couldn’t get replacements.

Yes I was one of them on the front lines. It’s not advisable but it was all we had, there wasn’t good data on how well protection lasted after more than 10 hours of use which is why they were replaced regularly under normal conditions. We made do by adding layers like a surgical mask on top of the n95.

> Everything that has an expiration date is starting to expire, but why would you get rid of it before it is?

Because we don’t like putting stuff about to imminently expire on the shelf next to stuff that won’t; people grab the wrong one too often. That’s partly why CVS won’t keep any prescription meds on their shelves that will expire in less than 2 months, to avoid them getting mixed in and sold with pills that won’t expire for longer.


sulaymanf t1_j9irwy7 wrote

Not sure why you’re being snarky when this is an obvious fact to anyone who works in healthcare. Any sterile supplies have an expiration date as that is when the manufacturer can no longer guarantee sterility. Everything from sutures to surgical scissors to sterile gauze has an expiration date attached. They’re usually good for years, but now we are approaching 3 years from the start of Covid and stuff is starting to expire. Non-disposable equipment like clamps and scissors can be autoclaved or otherwise disinfected but all the disposable supplies are expiring and can no longer be safely used due to strict safety regulations.

n95 masks and face shields and smocks are not sterile and as such they don’t have expiration dates. They are meant to be single used and then disposed. But this article is not talking about PPE so I’m not sure why you keep bringing it up.


sulaymanf t1_j9ipss7 wrote

Doctor here and I sent patients over there.

The Javits center was helpful because we needed beds. However since it wasn’t a hospital with all the associated services we had to restrict who could go to Javits center. Anyone who couldn’t walk couldn’t get transferred there. Neither could anyone who needed specialty consults. No children, no pregnant women. Nobody on a ventilator and anyone who looked like they would go on a vent we held in the hospital in case they crashed. So we offloaded a lot of the “healthier” patients there who just needed oxygen.

The USS Comfort was a hospital ship but they also had limitations. They required a complicated set of steps to do a hospital-to-hospital transfer of a patient, and they asked for no women or children and they had limited specialists; if you needed a cardiologist they shouldn’t get transferred.

In the end NY was able to flatten the curve and after a few weeks the need for both was lessened.


sulaymanf t1_iwrn637 wrote

It’s gotten much better over the years. The TLC routinely does undercover stings to catch discrimination and tickets drivers.

If anyone refuses to give you a ride in the 5 Boros, call 311 and report their taxi medallion number on the roof. There’s a $300 fine for the first offense.