
sullivan80 t1_jbb1aov wrote

I'd love to pay $100 for fast reliable service. I currently pay $80 for 40mb service that frequently drops out or gets congested to the point it's impossible to stream. Or when we do stream the quality constantly downshifts to blurry circa 2003 mode.

But back to your topic some ISPs are known to charge different rates in different areas for the same service.


sullivan80 t1_j5vzquh wrote

Well...for starters I just find his slick ivy league persona to be slimy and prototypical politician who carefully curates his positions and statements based on what is most likely to propel him up the next rung in the ladder. On that note - everyone knew he had bigger ambitions when he first ran for statewide office and still he denied/lied about it.

I don't hate all his positions, I just don't care for him as a politician because I think he is too into making waves and big splashy scenes. I believe his one and only motive is advancing his career as far as he possibly can - I just don't see him as a public servant, maybe I'm wrong. In my opinion the left hates him for much of the same reason the right so vehemently hates AOC. Yeah the positions are trash but all the talk and attention getting on top of it just makes it unbearable.

Most conservative people I know don't really seem to view him as a very useful or productive senator. But they would vote for him vs someone who will go along with Biden and the democrats.


sullivan80 t1_j5vmtfs wrote

Even though I am generally conservative I dislike Hawley (almost) as much as most of the liberals on this site. But this is a good thing here.

Like you I am not really a fan of the name because it makes it sound like a joke and dials up the partisanship when in reality it's not a partisan issue. Automatically makes it a non-starter for most if not every democrat and that's unfortunate.

But you are right it will never get any traction and the fact that it won't get traction just underscores how corrupt and self serving politicians generally are.

In all reality this is probably just another political stunt by this guy to generate some headlines and buzz and keep his name in the spotlight.


sullivan80 t1_ivk1gby wrote

Developers that want to tear down something WANT it to be in bad shape because the more of an eyesore it is the less resistance there will be in demolishing it.

I used to live in Webb City near Joplin and there were a bunch of large old homes along a road that had become very busy over the years and there was increasing pressure to convert to commercial but there was a lot of resistance in the community. People really didn't want to live in the homes on such a busy road with 4 lanes of traffic. But others didn't like the idea of losing the large trees, pretty homes etc and just seeing more strip malls and fast food.

One developer bought a bunch of the homes and to appease the town he actually MOVED several of them. He was supposed to leave the large trees in place but all of a sudden oops one day the equipment operated apparently didn't get the memo and cleared them to make way for a large strip mall, parking lot and fast food restaurant.

Over time most of the homes have sat abandoned and rotted to the point no one cared anymore and one by one they've been torn down to make way for a dollar store, car wash, dominoes, dairy queen, several strip malls. It's a long game but eventually developers can win approval through basic neglect.


sullivan80 t1_itobj55 wrote

Carthage, MO has all those except it looks like the bed and breakfast I knew of closed and I am not certain if there are any others.

There is a very cool rental on the square though ( that is within walking distance of a coffee shop, a few restaurants, antique and other shops, civil war museum and a couple art galleries.

The courthouse is also very cool and in a way it's also a museum. Carthage is probably tough to beat for Antique shops. Over in Joplin is a pretty cool mineral and mining museum.

George Washington Carver NM is pretty close and it's worth a little side trip. There are a couple wineries fairly close as well if that's something of interest to you.


sullivan80 t1_istzqn4 wrote

Don't know why this is getting downvoted. It's completely irrelevant to the story and makes the creator look like an spoiled teenager instead of a serious filmmaker. I don't mean that as a personal insult the to creator but really, if he wants films to be taken seriously leave stuff like that out. If it was really that bad maybe make a separate film about the current issues of the site and perhaps give the police an opportunity to present their side of the issue like a journalist would instead of just a one sided I don't like how this dude treated me rant.

I have driven past that site hundreds upon hundreds of times and never once had a problem with the police but then again I don't stop and mess around there. That site is NOTORIOUS for attracting vandals, looky-loos, thieves, and guerrilla filmmakers/content creators so anyone going there should absolutely expect an encounter with the police. They are sick of that site and the problems it attracts.


sullivan80 t1_ir6m2yw wrote

I asked a friend who still lives in Springfield this same question the other day. It seems like traffic is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than when I lived there. She said yes it's got a lot worse just in the last few years.

I find it weird that this area isn't posting larger growth numbers because here (I'm in Joplin) there are numerous massive subdivisions, probably 2,000+ homes planned or under construction and everywhere I look new one-off homes are going up on random parcels of land. I have never seen this much construction not even close. I'm guessing is the same in the Springfield area if not more so.

A realtor friend of mine said the market is red hot and the majority of buyers are coming from high price markets - specifically Colorado and California. There are also a lot of regional buyers that are looking to relocate to the ozarks - these are often retiring boomers. RE investors have also be a huge problem as far as tying up inventory and driving up prices - don't know if that's been the case here but I know in the KC suburbs investors have accounted for a significant percentage of home sales.

A friend if mine was trying to downsize but stay in the area and sold his house (for double what he originally paid). Then he couldn't find a new house. He had casually browsed and saw a lot of listings so he wasn't real worried until he started trying to actually make offers and realized that every mid range home was getting ~8 cash offers usually above asking price.

So yes a lot of people are moving here. It's not like Boise or Austin but SW MO is attracting it's share of transplants.


sullivan80 t1_ir17wab wrote

> It’s just a shame that our major roads have become pseudo highways because of poor urban planning.

That was my biggest complaint when I lived in Springfield was how much of a nightmare it was to get around town due to lack of any "real" highway other than around the periphery.

I lived in the Phelps Grove area and there was nowhere I could get quickly without fighting traffic except downtown.

Chestnut Expressway is not an expressway. Not sure who came up with the idea of naming those roads choked with traffic lights expressways.


sullivan80 t1_ir0rak3 wrote

Seems like over the last few years crime has exploded and become much more common even in "nice" areas. We have the same problem in Joplin. Not long ago there was some parking lot dispute at a nice shopping center here where I go all the time, cops showed up and one of the dudes shoots all the cops. Had a guy get shot and killed right in front of the movie theater a couple years ago. Seems like I am hearing about a shooting every other week anymore and too often it's some weird altercation in broad daylight in some public place. There has also be an increase in aggressive panhandling and homeless camps popping up in parts of town where this was never very common in the past.

Society is going off the rails.