
sully9088 t1_iytjz3s wrote

I work in psychiatry and I also have 10 years experience working in a SICU. There should be no personal guilt involved in the health Practitioner when they provided informed consent (including potential risks, benefits, etc) and offered the current best practice to resolve an ailment. We often look back in time and cringe at the medical procedures that used to be performed, but those interventions were developed based on past experience. We only got where we are today due to the medical interventions performed in the past. We learn through past experience. Hannibal seemed to be of sound mind when he made the decision to undergo the procedures. Awen did well, and if he uses this experience to improve his practice then he will continue to do well. I don't always know if my psych patients are malingering or have alternative motives when they provide me their symptoms (I work in child psychiatry and there are times it seems my patients are trying to avoid school or home), however, I need to trust them because there is no other choice. If I choose to not believe my patient then I am risking the possibility that I will provide poor treatment to someone who truly needs it.

Edit: I didn't spell Awen's name correctly.


sully9088 t1_iroji4c wrote

Lol! wipes blood from mouth "It uhh... It was dark... And... Uhh... I tripped on this poor guy and he just died. I mean... He was already dead when I tripped on him. He must've cut his neck wide open and bled to death somehow. The poor soul."


sully9088 t1_irnr6a9 wrote

I like that he's only drinking animals dry (not too sure if he's going to town on the robber though). If he's trying to hide the fact that he's a vampire then he might come up with some hilarious excuse for destroying the robber. Haha.