
sumiveg t1_j9wd0jy wrote

You've given a lot of example of how people express their lack of enthusiasm, but can you give as many examples of how AI will change things?

I also get frustrated by people who don't realize that we're on the cusp of something utterly transformative. But the truth is, I don't actually understand how our world will change and what that will look like. I know my current job as a content designer will go away. I know that ghost writers, copywriters, and all the other jobs I've had will vanish.

But I don't know what will come in their place.

I feel like I did at the start of the internet. Back then I know something big was happening, but I had no idea that I'd be looking up directions on a phone that i held in my hand. I didn't know I'd be ordering dinner from a laptop and watching movies streamed to my TV. I just knew that big things were coming and nothing would be the same.