
suurahh t1_ja16zm3 wrote

Last time I flew into RIC they started loading the next flight's checked bags onto the plane before they took our flight's bags off. Had to wait over an hour to get the bags because they had to take the next flight's bags back off first so they could get to ours.


suurahh t1_j1lqaia wrote

Waiting for my bf to wake up since he was at work until 1am last night. Not really excited to open anything this year cause I already know what it all is and yesterday my bf admitted to me that he forgot to buy the 3 things I had asked for so there's just shitty Amazon gifts my parents sent for me and all the cool stuff for my bf.


suurahh t1_isjux77 wrote

Florida fucking sucks. Spent the first 26 years of my life there. Have been in RVA for 9 months and have never been happier. If you're looking to get out of there but not get as far north as RVA I recommend Savannah, GA. Hope you survive and make it out of the swamp.