
swni t1_jcu5vby wrote

Many years ago I picked one up in a gas station on Mass ave near central / MIT. No idea if they would still be sold there, or other gas stations.


swni t1_j9x2i4p wrote

Can you share what you or others actually do as part of Sunrise etc? Some years ago I looked into 350 Mass and got rebuffed by the recruiters I spoke to who basically said they just want people to email their representatives. I am sure there is more to these organizations than that but I was left with a sour taste.


swni t1_j4z1l01 wrote

I have lived in the Netherlands, and while Cambridge is fairly walkable to say "Cambridge has excellent public transportation and is a biker’s paradise" is an absolute travesty and an indictment of the US as a whole. Public transit is acceptable if you live near the T, barely adequate for daily commuting if you rely on the bus, and there are only a handful of safe biking routes (e.g. by the Charles or along Alewife linear park).


swni t1_iwemea9 wrote

I went biking through at like 6pm once and for half of it I may as well have been walking. It is still very pleasant and much preferred to being on the street, but I could see someone using it for commuting at rush hour getting impatient after a while.