
t6jesse t1_j8mpkpx wrote

I think the AI is using the same software tools as humans are to analyze each iteration's strength - it's not thinking in some alien language. Also it's reacting to prompts and parameters set by humans. The only difference is it has the patience to brute-force every possible solution, whereas human engineers usually think in terms of what they've seen before.

I think all the issues you've laid out are issues that any large and sophisticated project would face, not specifically an Ai-powered one.


t6jesse t1_ixdnuc0 wrote

That wasn't a very substantial article...

Honestly the lack of any lunar base designs or planning isn't doing any favors either. Despite how many times NASA says it, it doesn't LOOK like they mean to stay. At least Bush-era NASA put out lots of studies on how they'd build a base, so the private sector could start offering solutions.