
takanishi79 t1_izy0m2i wrote

Good or bad, a lot of the discussion around new battery technology is about electric vehicles, and that much degradation is a non starter for an EV. I assume that's 50% degradation even with thermal management, which is way worse than any modern EV, and basically as bad as the most abused Gen 1 Leaf.

Most modern EVs expect at most a 20% degradation within 10 years (US law requires manufacturers to provide an 8 year/100k mile warranty in the battery). While double capacity sounds nice, it wouldn't be for cars. As is now, you just could not put this into a car, it would degreade faster than the warranty, so you'd be replacing under warranty constantly (financial suicide), or if you got the warranty requirements changes, they would like reduce the battery size (same range, lower weight), and then you have the problems with the Leaf on everything.

That said, new battery technologies are good. 5 years is probably fine for a phone (assuming they don't reduce battery sizes to compensate, which is not guaranteed), or for industrial application (size your needed battery for the 50% reduction, and you'll just have more capacity before it degrades.

It reminds me of another that was posted either here or to r/electricvehicles, which was a battery with almost no degradation, but power density was really low. It would be a decent option for a power wall, but again awful for an EV due to the weight issues.


takanishi79 t1_iumstmx wrote

I've found that it's largely regional. In the Midwest, or colder climates shoes off is expected. There's just too much snow, dirt, and other stuff floating around for half the year. The other half it tends to be rainy, so now you're dealing with mud.

Contrast to the American southwest, where it's dry and hot all the time. You're not going to get mud in the house if there's no mud anywhere.

I live in Minnesota, and we keep a stack of slippers around for guests so they can take their shoes off, and still keep their feet warm.