
tallerThanYouAre t1_ixggw4y wrote

It’s a pretty loose, “toe in the water” study as far as I can tell.

The study sample is small, the actual details seem to indicate older people playing with a Kinect-based game and not much more.

There is also a fair amount of excitement in the study organizers for the use of “expectancy” placebo groups, whatever that is.

Sounds like “non-impact sports” provided by electronic experiences but utilizing behavioral interaction result in cues to increase neural plasticity and increase focus - a reasonable evolutionary response to tricking the organism into believing it is still in need of active skills.

Might also point to a relationship between elderly inactivity and cognitive decline.


tallerThanYouAre t1_ita7k8u wrote

If there are baseboards, run down to them and push the wire underneath the bottom. Baseboards are made to have a gap with the floor so it can “float” and expand/contract freely.

If not that, we will likely need more info. Is there carpet, is there moulding, what is the end location of the computer?