
tapiocatsar t1_iu3375g wrote

I got rear ended last year but didn’t hit the car in front of me because I wasn’t hit that hard, and I deliberately left space in front of me.

When I was 12 or 13, I was a passenger when my stepdad was driving his parent’s subaru that we borrowed to move furniture. We were stopped at a light and a guy rear ended us doing 40 because he fell asleep at the wheel. We were close enough to the car in front of us to tap them, fortunately not too hard (and there was a baby in there too!) Guy who hit us totaled his car. Terrifying experience, and the poor guy in front of us went nuts on my stepdad because he thought we rear-ended him, he was furious because his baby was in the car. Then he saw the ruined car behind us and was like “…oh.”

Everyone was fine, guy who hit us was mostly just…well his glasses were sideways and his hair was sticking up everywhere, but he was okay too.