tawaydont1 t1_iy8326i wrote
Reply to comment by GuitarGeezer in Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
We need the cheap goods to keep wages low and everything thing else high we can't pay for government services like schools, roads, water systems, etc because we can't keep taxing people yet when people move from red states to blue they generally stay unless the climate is stable no hurricane or tornadoes.
tawaydont1 t1_iy82qkd wrote
Reply to Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
Just because Elon spoke out everyone is trying to kill his wealth when he was all for the liberal agenda everyone was kissing is but it could be the USA government trying to spark this stuff to keep all of the bad headline out of the news like strikes, tech job losses, the lack of food on stor shelves, the lack of healthcare, etc.
We all know how bad Covid really can be for poor under developed areas of countries and in the elderly population maybe china will come out with some real number because of all the protest.
tawaydont1 t1_iy83b5f wrote
Reply to comment by jschubart in Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
It sounds like America we are headed that way we keep thinking we are a representive democracy and we aren't any more thanks to the wage gap being huge.